Six Seasons

珍惜拥有的一切 当它依然还在你身边 现在才了解 已过一光年 人为何总要失去挚爱才会懂得去学会 ........(书签) song

Wednesday, April 04, 2012


Yes, this personal space of mine has been forgotten for 401 days. As facebook gets more and more common and less personal, this space is a far better platform for me to share some of my more personal thoughts and feelings.

I just have to say that lots have happened to my life over these past 401 days. I have signed my signature onto a paper which has traditionally been described as the 'grave of love', we are also also awaiting the arrival of our little one, which her motion was 1st sensed yesterday and we are already doing the research for her name :). We also welcomed the arrival of my little nephew Xavion. He is that adorable and lovable :) here are some of his recent shots:

My wedding was mainly a great success. Can be quite sure that none of my friends or relatives have used his/ her own song as the theme song of their montage or wedding. i did :) and that was how my colleagues got to know this other side of me and on one occasion i received this personal email invitation of one of my big big boss to attend a KTV session in office and apparently that became the LOUD factor that caused many of my colleagues from other Diplomas to know who i am. lol.

12 years ago, exactly this date, i was enlisted at Pulau Tekong, visiting the island for the first time in my life. today, i'm already a CAT Y1 old soldier . Even though i was still able to sustain my 'pass' grade for the annual IPPT, but my physical fitness has dropped and is still dropping all these years. no doubt i did receive two awards for NS this year, but each time there will be bothering injuries traumatizing me. Last year was a bad neck injury, this year was again the same neck injury, but now up one level to also include an abrasion/ infection wound :( Just can't help but to wonder whether i can remain combat fit until i MR.

As far as work is concerned, perhaps the most comforting thing was being able to gain the appreciation of my students towards this seemingly strict, fierce and stern teacher. The online students feedback score says it all. Some of them were pretty touching though. But somehow, getting that score is a pressure, a pressure to sustain it or not letting it drop.

Anyway, was just back from the CLS foundation leadership camp few weeks ago. this camp indeed makes me feel young again, from tug of war, kayaking to trekking and the RARA which are things that i have not done for many many years, i had the chance to do it again, with this group of students:

Not sure when will be the next time i'm visiting this space. But i'm sure it'll not be forgotten though :)