我吃得起苦 - I can endure hardship
This song shall serve as a constant reminder that I need to remain strong and view all challenges that I am facing concurrently now and after as life lessons to turn me into a better person each day. My motivation and perseverance will remain as strong as my voice in the video clip.....lol.
走出去就有路 寻见了就有福
拥有了一切都进了包袱 思念是带不走的
天空疑云密布 心中翻腾起伏
虽将飘摇前途仍模糊 此地会是我衣锦还乡处
飘洋过海我吃得起苦 相信天无绝人之路
现实有咒诅梦里有祝福 有缘同舟风雨同渡
顶着烈日当空眼底有迷雾 不能再让懦弱困住
日子多坎坷命运有变数 只盼久旱逢甘露
Hey hey .. I realize you still use this blog.
You know the song you posted some time back? By 田劲--我真的用心爱着你?
If you know where I can still purchase this song, do drop me a mail? ranktan@hotmail.com.
Thanks a mil !!
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