Recently haf been hooked to old HK serials, esp those in the late 80s and early 90s....i still remember those days when my mum would sit in front of the TV every weekday without fail at 6pm to catch the HK serials casted on RTV2. Cos all were dubbed in cantonese then (shown on malaysian channel), and i could hardly understand a cantonese word then, wat i could vaguely remember was oni the names of the serials and the actors and actresses. Finally found this old serial which my mum used to watch, and i believe this serial will accompany me thru some lonely nights somewhere soon :p
The title of this serial is 我本善良...back in 1990 ; casted by some veteran actors like 曾江, who once criticized Singaporean actors and actresses for "有演无技" about a decade ago, which he made an public apology after dat... other casts included 温兆伦,邵美琪,黎美娴, of which the 1st 2 r still active in the HK entertainment industry. I also had a strong impression of its song, and it was only until today that i found out that the song was originally sang by 许志安 (Andy Hui) and the late Heavenly Queen, 梅艳芳 (Anita Mui) .
笑 看 風 雲 變 ( 電 視 劇 《我 本 善 良 》 主 題 曲 )
作 曲 / 編 曲 : 倫 永 亮 / 填 詞 : 潘 偉 源 / 許 志 安
誰 能 跳 過 無 形 界 線
規 則 法 理 充 斥 世 界 千 萬 年
誰 能 賜 我 無 窮 勸 勉
將 我 路 線 一 生 志 向 改 變
從 來 無 後 悔 現 實 我 改 變
休 說 蒼 天 註 定 堅 決 跨 過 目 前
命 運 那 許 虧 欠
沿 途 如 有 你 伴 在 我 身 邊
蒼 天 戲 法 縱 使 騙 人 總 膚 淺
沿 途 如 有 你 以 真 心 相 見
迎 面 暴 雨 縱 使 不 倖 免
亦 笑 著 置 身 長 路 看 風 雲 變
Happy Mooncake Festival to all!!
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