Last day of Practical
Today marked the end of the long string of practical sessions I've conducted for my 1st form class. Though the preparatory work proved to be tough most of the time (since it's my 1st time taking a form class), but i do njoy wat i do, and most importantly, i'm glad for myself that i dare to say that I held a clear conscience to this grp of students that i did not 'bluff' my way thru the lessons as i feel that it's something i believe i shld not be doing. The practical sessions is ended by a finale on the fire fighting ground.....all my students got COMPLETELY DRENCHED during the session, but it was fun though as i got the 1st chance to 'play' with my students by squeezing water from my wet glove onto their body. check out these photos i've taken wif my class today:
fire suit worn by the female fire warden, Fel, and Hass
Class photo taken at office. It's pretty obvious which one is me.....
I've taken a video this morning when the 2 fortunate students were wearing their turnout suit this morning, but unfortunately, youtube forbidded me from publishing the video becos it exceeds the 10 min limit...:s
Time reali flies, and in 5 more training days, these students will be graduating...we are only left wif the final lap to go, the 2 N 1 D of shift training!
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